Hristina Tasheva was born in 1976 in Varna, Bulgaria. In 2004 – 2008 she was a guest-student at the photography studio of Leo Erken, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. In 2011 she graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, BFA, Photography, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. At present she is studing at Academy of Art and Design St. Joost, MA, Photography, Breda, The Netherlands.
Some of her last exhibitions are: Um Momento Presente, 5th Mostra SP de Fotografia Sao Paulo, Brasil (2014); Still Image Prize 2011, Dyson Building, Royal College of Art, London (2012); IN SEARCH OF NEW ALLIANCES, P.ART of your life, Zwolle, The Netherlands (2012); FoMaa Flash Shop, Galerie NL12, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2011); Graduation show, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2011); Teenage Magazines, FOAM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2011); MIXTAPE 5, Sofia, Bulgaria (2011); Dutch prize for photography students, Nederlands fotomuseum Rotterdam, The Netherlands (2010).
Awards nominations: Leica Prize, Royal College of Art, London, UK (2011); Nederlands fotomuseum Rotterdam – De Fotoprijs 09/10, category III, photobook: Varna – Sofia 12.40h: 20.24h (2010).
She lives and works in the Netherlands.
"Being born in Bulgaria in the sunset of the communist period, and subsequently experiencing the life of an immigrant in Western Europe, made me feel as if I was an experiment of two major political systems, which I consider similar in their functions and failures. This disillusionment gave birth to my work; it became an inspiration. I inhabit the space of the 'periphery' or the 'in-between', whose mental borders are influenced by time and geography. I chose to use photography as a universal language. The ambiguity of the medium helps me investigate from a personal point of view themes of identity, belonging, dreams, isolation and death."